Fee Refund Policy
Fees once paid which are non-refundable for any reason or any clause.
After making application for a vacancy, if the applicant wants to withdraw himself/herself from the Registration procedure the following charges will be forfeited if already paid.
Registration Fee
No refund will be granted once the payment is done.
Duplicate clause : If applicant paid twice for one application, the extra payment amount will be refunded within 15 to 20 working days via same source. Transaction fees charged would not be refunded/ reversed for any refund or reversal of any transaction.
Note : Such refund may take 2-3 Weeks to complete, You are requested to please wait for 2-3 week. For further assistance, you may directly approach to ATOM Payment Gateway during Week days (Monday to Friday 11AM to 5PM) at helpdesk@atomtech.inor +91–(22)–66864095 always mentioned your payment reference number for qucik reply